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Let's get you taken care of right away
All you have to do is text us
and help will be on the way
Here's How:
Click the text widget in bottom right corner
Tell us who you are and what's going on.
We're on it.
That's all you need to do.
A real human therapist will text you asap on your
phone and help you with everything.
Why We Text With Clients
SMS Texting is more secure than other mechanisms.
No one (you or us) ever misses a text.
No one loses or forgets about a text.
A text conversation is never lost.
Text responses are faster than other mechanisms.
Our secure system enables your entire care team to be responsive to your needs in an instant.
It Just Works.
...or you can connect with us using the form.
Please note that forms are not as secure as texting (below) or directly scheduling (above)
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